Rivers of Life

The name Rivers of Life is based upon the words of Jesus Christ, who said: 'Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, Rivers of Life will flow from within them.' John 7:38.

We opened our High Street shop in October 2018. Our project is supported by Churches Together in Halstead. 

We seek to help people wherever we can. You are always welcome to pop in for a chat with one of our friendly volunteers.  

We depend on donations to sell and need clothes, shoes, ornaments, toys, bric-a-brac and all sorts of household items. Please consider bringing your donations into us when you are having a clear out or want to find an item a new home.

Thank you.    

We do offer specialized counselling services for those who request it, and are always happy to pray with or for you, or anybody you request prayer for.  

We are also providing friendship and assistance to help those in locally in need, or wherever they may be. If you just want somebody to talk to, come in and meet our friendly team.


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